Skeptical environmentalist : measuring the real state of the world (Record no. 44448)

MARC details
fixed length control field 07755 a2200157 4500
International Standard Book Number 9780521671521
Classification number 363.7
Item number LOM
Personal name Lomborg, Bjorn
Title Skeptical environmentalist : measuring the real state of the world
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Cambridge Uni. Press
Date of publication, distribution, etc 2001
Place of publication, distribution, etc Cambridge
Extent xxiii,515p.
Formatted contents note CONTENTS<br/>List of figures page xii<br/>List 0/tables xviii<br/>Preface xvii<br/>Language and measures xix<br/>Acknowledgements xxii<br/>Permissions xxiv<br/>Part 1: The Litany<br/>1 Things are getting better 3<br/>The Litany 3<br/>Things ore better - but not necessarily good 4<br/>Exaggeration and good management 5<br/>Fundamentals: trends 5<br/>Fundamentals: global trends 6<br/>Fundamentals: long-term trends 8<br/>Fundamentals: how is it important? 9<br/>Fundamentals: people 11<br/>Reality versus myths 12<br/>Reality: WorldWatch Institute 13<br/>Reality: World Wide Fund for Nature 16<br/>Reality: Greenpeace 17<br/>Reality: wrong bad statistics and economics 18<br/>Reality: water problems 19<br/>Reality: rtmentel and global health I 21<br/>Reality: fflmentel and global health II 24<br/>Reality versus rhetoric and poor predictions 27<br/>Reality 30<br/>Reality and morality 32<br/>2 Why do we hear so much bad news? 34<br/>Research 35<br/>The file drawer and data massage 36<br/>Organizations 37<br/>The media 39<br/>lopsided reality: sporadic but predictable 39<br/>Lopsided reality: bad news 40<br/>Lopsided reality: conflict and guilt 41<br/>The consequences 41<br/>Part II: Human welfare<br/>3 Measuring human welfare 45<br/>How many people on earth? 45<br/>The changing demographics 47<br/>Overpopulation 48<br/>4 Life expectancy and health 50<br/>Life expectancy 50<br/>Life expectancy in the developing world 51<br/>Infant mortality 53<br/>Illness 55<br/>Conclusion 58<br/>5 Food and hunger 60<br/>Malthus and everlasting hunger 60<br/>More food than ever 61<br/>Lower prices than ever 62<br/>The Green Revolution 62<br/>Relative or absolute improvement? 64<br/>Regional distribution: Africa 65<br/>Regional distribution: China 66<br/>Conclusion 67<br/>Is inflation-adjusted GDP a reasonable<br/>measure of wealth? 68<br/>6 Prosperity 70<br/>Poverty and distribution 71<br/>Ever greater inequality? 73<br/>Poorer still? 75<br/>More consumer goods 78<br/>More education 81<br/>More leisure time 82<br/>More safety and security 84<br/>Fewer catastrophes and accidents 85<br/>7 Conclusion to Part II: unprecedented<br/>human prosperity 87<br/>Part III: Can human prosperity continue?<br/>8 Are we living on borrowed time? 91<br/>Resources - the foundation for welfare 91<br/>9 Will we have enough food? 93<br/>At least grain per capita is declining 93<br/>Declining productivity 95<br/>Limits to yields? 96<br/>Biomass 99<br/>What about ordinary peasants? 100<br/>Do we still need the high growth? 100<br/>Grain stocks are dropping.' 101<br/>What about China? 102<br/>Should we worry about erosion? 104<br/>What about fish? 106<br/>Conclusion 108<br/>10 Forests - are we losing them? 110<br/>Forests and history 112<br/>Deforestation, a general view 112<br/>Deforestation: how much? 114<br/>How much forest? 115<br/>Conclusion 117<br/>11 Energy 118<br/>We are a civilization built on energy 118<br/>Do we have enough energy to go on? 119<br/>The oil crisis 120<br/>How much oil left? 121<br/>Optimists and pessimists arguing 124<br/>Ever more oil available 125<br/>Other fossil energy sources 126<br/>Nuclear energy 128<br/>Renewable energy 129<br/>Solar energy 133<br/>Wind energy 134<br/>Storage and mobile consumption 135<br/>Conclusion 135<br/>12 Non-energy resources 137<br/>The pessimists bet on resources running out - and lost 137<br/>Falling prices 137<br/>Cement 138<br/>Aluminum 138<br/>Iron 140<br/>Copper 143<br/>Gold and silver 144<br/>Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 145<br/>Zinc 145<br/>Other resources 146<br/>Why do we have ever more resources? 147<br/>Conclusion 148<br/>13 Water 149<br/>How much water in the world? 149<br/>The three central problems 151<br/>Not enough water? 152<br/>Will it get worse in the future? 154<br/>Will we see increased conflict? 156<br/>Conclusion 157<br/>14 Conclusion to Part III: continued<br/>prosperity 159<br/>Part IV: Pollution: does it undercut human prosperity?<br/>15 Air pollution 163<br/>Air pollution in times past 163<br/>What is dangerous? 165<br/>Particles 167<br/>Lead 170<br/>S02 172<br/>Ozone 173<br/>NO, 174<br/>CO 175<br/>And the developing world? Both growth and environment 175<br/>Conclusion 177<br/>16 Acid rain and forest death 178<br/>17 Indoor air pollution 182<br/>Indoor air pollution in the developing world 182<br/>Indoor air pollution in the developed world 183<br/>18 Allergies and asthma 185<br/>19 Water pollution 189<br/>Oil pollution in the oceans 189<br/>Oil in the Gulf 191<br/>Exxon Valdez: still a catastrophe? 192<br/>Pollution in coastal waters 194<br/>Suffocation in coastal waters 195<br/>Health effects from fertilizer 201<br/>Pollution in rivers 202<br/>20 Waste: running out of space? 206<br/>21 Conclusion to Part IV: the pollution<br/>burden has diminished 210<br/>Part V: Tomorrow's problems<br/>22 Our chemical fears 215<br/>Cancer, death 217<br/>Cancer, incidence 222<br/>1-in-S and other lifetime risks 223<br/>The /ear of pesticides 226<br/>Establishing thresholds through risk analysis 226<br/>Pesticides and cancer 228<br/>Cancer in animal experiments 231<br/>Natural and synthetic pesticides 232<br/>Synthetic estrogens 236<br/>Synthetic estrogens: a fall in sperm quality 238<br/>l Organic farmers 240<br/>Synthetic estrogens: the "cocktail" effect 241<br/>Synthetic estrogens: breast cancer 242<br/>Synthetic estrogens: should we worry? 244<br/>Conclusion: should we use pesticides? 245<br/>23 Biodiversity 249<br/>How many species are there? 249<br/>Is biodiversity important? 250<br/>How many go extinct? 251<br/>The claim of 40,000 species 252<br/>A model backup 252<br/>What do we lose? 253<br/>Models and reality 253<br/>Tlie biologists' reaction 254<br/>Check the data 254<br/>The biologists' response 256<br/>Conclusion: what are the consequences <br/>seriously overstating the extinctions? 257<br/>24 Global warming 258<br/>The basic greenhouse effect 259<br/>The long-term development of the climate 260<br/>The climate, 1856-2100 263<br/>How much does C02 affect the temperature? 265<br/>How much does C02 affect the temperature? 266<br/>Particles <br/>How much does C02 affect the temperature? 269 <br/>Water vapor<br/>How much does C02 affect the temperature?<br/>Clouds 270<br/>The ozone hole 273<br/>Are there other causes? 276<br/>Are the scenarios realistic? 278<br/>Are the scenarios realistic? The 40 new scenarios 280<br/>Consequences: agriculture 287<br/>Consequences: sea level rise 289<br/>Consequences: human health 291<br/>Consequences: extreme weather 292<br/>Consequences: present and future weather 297<br/>The cost of warming 300<br/>The cost of cutting C02 302<br/>Then what should we do? 305<br/>The double dividend: improve the<br/>environment and make money? 308<br/>Objections: cut C02 and make money 312<br/>Objections: the price of the future 313<br/>Objections: the fear of catastrophe 315<br/>Summing up 317<br/>More than meets the eye 318<br/>Conclusion: scares and sound policy 322<br/>Part VI: The Real State of the World<br/>25 Predicament or progress? 327<br/>The Great Fable of the litany 327<br/>The Real State of the World 328<br/>Yet we worry ever more 330<br/>Setting priorities and risks 333<br/>Weighing risks 336<br/>The costs of the Litany 338<br/>Genetically modified foods - the encapsulation of the Litany 342<br/>Caution when invoking the principle 348<br/>Continued progress 350<br/>Notes 353<br/>Bibliography 435<br/>Index 506<br/><br/>
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