Transport, climate change and the city
Hickman, Robin
Transport, climate change and the city - London Routledge 2014 - xxiv,376p. - Routledge advances in climate change research .
List of illustrations ix
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxii
1 Transport, climate change and the city 1
Climate change: the story so far
A global transport perspective
Reperceiving: after car dependence
Framing the debate
The dream and the reality: the picture of unsustainable mobility
2 Futures, scenarios and strategic conversations 65
Futures thinking
Dealing with uncertainty
The forecasting problem
Utilising scenario analysis
Backcasting and the VIBAT approach
Developing scenarios
Scenario analysis and MCA
3 Ambitions towards sustainable mobility (London) 94
The ‘world city’ context
Baseline and projections
Available policy interventions and packages
Developing scenarios
‘Known unknowns’: international air travel, carbon rationing and oil prices
Conclusions: achieving deep reductions
4 Affluent rurality and car dependence (Oxfordshire) 141
The county and city context
Baseline and projections
Available potential interventions and packages
Developing scenarios
Low carbon transport and wider MCA impacts
Conclusions: optimising strategies
5 Breaking the projected trend (Delhi) 177
The megacity context
Baseline and projection
Equity in target setting
Developing scenarios
Exploring the ‘optimised’ scenario
Conclusions: avoiding the BAU
6 Building a new world (Jinan) 214
The emerging provincial city context
Baseline and projections
Developing scenarios
Motorisation v. sustainable mobility
Conclusions: accommodating the growth
7 Urban dispersal and high motorisation (Auckland) 259
The motorised city context
Baseline and projections
Developing scenarios
Towards sustainable mobility
Transition possibilities
Conclusions: a radical transformation?
The emerging picture of sustainable mobility
8 Sustainable transport and the city 319
Thinking about the future
Meta narratives in transport
Pathways to the future
Adaptive backcasting
Components of the future
The critical role of urban structure
Thinking the unthinkable?
Towards the day-after-tomorrow
Annex 354
References 356
Index 372
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Transport, climate change and the city - London Routledge 2014 - xxiv,376p. - Routledge advances in climate change research .
List of illustrations ix
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxii
1 Transport, climate change and the city 1
Climate change: the story so far
A global transport perspective
Reperceiving: after car dependence
Framing the debate
The dream and the reality: the picture of unsustainable mobility
2 Futures, scenarios and strategic conversations 65
Futures thinking
Dealing with uncertainty
The forecasting problem
Utilising scenario analysis
Backcasting and the VIBAT approach
Developing scenarios
Scenario analysis and MCA
3 Ambitions towards sustainable mobility (London) 94
The ‘world city’ context
Baseline and projections
Available policy interventions and packages
Developing scenarios
‘Known unknowns’: international air travel, carbon rationing and oil prices
Conclusions: achieving deep reductions
4 Affluent rurality and car dependence (Oxfordshire) 141
The county and city context
Baseline and projections
Available potential interventions and packages
Developing scenarios
Low carbon transport and wider MCA impacts
Conclusions: optimising strategies
5 Breaking the projected trend (Delhi) 177
The megacity context
Baseline and projection
Equity in target setting
Developing scenarios
Exploring the ‘optimised’ scenario
Conclusions: avoiding the BAU
6 Building a new world (Jinan) 214
The emerging provincial city context
Baseline and projections
Developing scenarios
Motorisation v. sustainable mobility
Conclusions: accommodating the growth
7 Urban dispersal and high motorisation (Auckland) 259
The motorised city context
Baseline and projections
Developing scenarios
Towards sustainable mobility
Transition possibilities
Conclusions: a radical transformation?
The emerging picture of sustainable mobility
8 Sustainable transport and the city 319
Thinking about the future
Meta narratives in transport
Pathways to the future
Adaptive backcasting
Components of the future
The critical role of urban structure
Thinking the unthinkable?
Towards the day-after-tomorrow
Annex 354
References 356
Index 372
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