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CONTENTS<br/>Phylogenesis: foa's ark : Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Farshid Mousf 6 <br/>User's manual 18<br/>Downsview Park, Toronto 20 <br/>La Gavia Park. Madrid 42 <br/>Coastal Park and Auditoriums. Barcelona 56 <br/>Rural High-Speed Terminal. Perafort 82 <br/>Who's Afraid of Formalism? :Sanford Kwinter 96 <br/>Local Knowledge :Mark Wigley 101<br/>High-Speed Railway Complex, Pusan 110 <br/>Link Quay Redevelopment, Tenerife 122<br/>Ponte Parodi, Genoa 144<br/>South Bank Centre, London 160 <br/>Technology Transfer Centre, La Rioja 174 <br/>High-Speed Railway Complex. Florence 186 <br/>Novartis Underground Car Park. Basel 204<br/>International Port Terminal. Yokohama 226<br/>Myeong-Dong Cathedral. Seoul 258<br/>Same Difference :Detlef Mertins 270<br/>Bluemoon Tent, Groningen280<br/>Ferry Terminal and Hotel, Troms0 288 <br/>T'Raboes Harbour Facilities, Amerstoort 306 <br/>National Glass Centre, Sunderland 316 <br/>Olympic Aquatic Sports Centre, Madrid 328<br/>Belgo Zuid, London 342<br/>Kansai-Kan Library, Kyoto 354 <br/>Police Headquarters, La Vila Joiosa 368 <br/>Towards a Non-Standard Mode of production :Patrick Beauce, Bernard Cache 390 <br/>Bluemoon Hotel, Groningen 408<br/>Sociopolis. Valencia 418<br/>Eyebeam Museum, New York 428 <br/>Theatre and Auditorium, Torrevieja 446 <br/>Glass Enclosure Prototype, UK 456<br/>Department Store, Bristol 466<br/>The Bundle Tower, New York 480 <br/>Cabo Llanos Master Plan, Tenenfe 494<br/>Zona Franca Office Complex, Barcelona 506 <br/>Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture :Manuel De Landa 520<br/>Bioplex, Mars 530<br/>Floriade Pavilion, Haarlemmermeer 544<br/>Belgo Restaurant, New York 558<br/>On The Wild Side :Jeffrey Kipnis 566<br/>Publishing Headquarters, Paju 582<br/>Virtual House, Anywhere 590<br/>Azadi Cineplex, Tehran 606<br/>BBC Music Centre. London 618<br/>Phylogenesis and the Tree of Life :Sandra Knapp 638<br/><br/><br/><br/> |