Dating buildings and landscapes with tree-ring analysis: an introduction with case studies

Rubino, Darrin L.

Dating buildings and landscapes with tree-ring analysis: an introduction with case studies - New York Routledge 2019 - xxi, 280p.

List of Figures xi
List of Tables xvi
Acknowledgments xix
conventions xxi
1. Can you date my building: an introduction to tree-ring analysis for dating buildings and landscapes 1
2. Understanding cultural landscapes and historic buildings: frameworks for interpreting and communicating tree-ring analysis 13
3. Botany for the dendrochronologist 27
4. Tree-ring basics for the historian, archaeologist, and preservationist 40
5. Tree-ring analysis methods for the field, woodshop, and lab 51
6. Archival and scholarly sources for interpreting tree-ring analysis 76
7. Reporting the results of tree-ring analysis 90
8. Enhancing interpretation: case studies for open air and house museums 103
9. Case studies: dating and interpreting diverse cultural landscapes 129
10. Chronicling landscape evolution using tree-ring analysis 156
11. New Harmony, Indiana: tree-ring analysis of a communal and utopian landscape 184
12. Innovation to obsolescence: tree-ring analysis of a regional barn type 209
13. Unique applications of tree-ring data 242
14. Active inquiry: dating a 19th-century log house using historical documents and tree-ring science 263


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