Land utilization in Indian cities and role of development control regulations : a study of Ahmedabad (Also available on CD)

Singh, Renuka (PA103416)

Land utilization in Indian cities and role of development control regulations : a study of Ahmedabad (Also available on CD) - 2018 - iii,xxii,110p.,CD-ROM

Preface i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
List of tables ix
List of figures xi
List of abbreviations xxi
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Need For Study 1
1.3. Aim .2
1.4. Research Questions 2
1.5. Objective 2
1.6. Scope 2
1.7. Limitation 3
1.8. Methodology 3
1.9. Research Framework 6
2. Land Utilization in Indian Cities 7
2.1. Background Study 7
2.2. Site Selection 8
2.3. Land Utilization Study (Ahmedabad as a Case) 11
2.4. Comparison of all the Selected Squares 22
2.5. Inferences 25
2.6. Use of Private Open Space in Indian Context (Ahmedabad as a Case) 25
2.7. Land Utilization in Other World Cities 29
2.8. Comparison of Land Utilization in Other World Cities 38
3. Impact of Development Regulations 41
3.1. Development Control Regulations 41
3.2. How do the regulations play out on a plot? 44
3.2.1. Project-1 : Mixed Use (Area 881sq.m.) 45
3.2.2. Project-2 : Housing (Area- 2306 sq.m.) 51
3.2.3. Project 3 – Affordable Housing Project (Area – 10596 sq.m.) 57
3.3. Comparative Analysis 66
3.4. Why is so much open space demanded in a Plot, as per the Regulations? 67
3.5. Inference 75
4. Rethinking Regulations 77
4.1. Increasing Permissible Building Footprint Area 78
4.1.1. Roadside Margin are not Required 78
4.1.2. No Common Plot Required in Commercial Development 83
4.1.3. Common Plot Required for the Residential Development but doesn’t
have to be at Ground Level 86
4.1.4. No compound walls between plots to allow shared parking between
plots 90
4.2. Increasing Public Realm Area 91
4.2.1. Taking Roadside margins in Public Domain. 91
4.3. Conclusion 95
Annexure - Does more FAR means more density? 97
References 107
Bibliography 109

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