Masterplanning of under-utilized public housing land in Ghatkopar, Mumbai (Also available on CD)

Phanse, Rutuja (PA102816)

Masterplanning of under-utilized public housing land in Ghatkopar, Mumbai (Also available on CD) - 2018 - v,xv,81,4sheets

Abstract i
Acknowledgements iii
Contents vi
List of tables x
List of figures xii
List of abbreviations xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Premise 2
1.1.1 Growth and Evolution 2
1.1.2 Chronology of change in population in Mumbai 4
1.1.3 Decentralization Period 4
1.1.4 Impacts of Urban Sprawl 7
1.1.5 Drawbacks of increasing demand for land 7
1.1.6 Need for densification in Mumbai 8
1.1.7 Concept of city structure 9
1.1.8 Reasons for under utilization of land in Mumbai 10
1.1.9 Density and floor space Relation 10
1.1.10 Land Ownership distribution in Mumbai 12
1.1.11 Need to adopt masterplanning approach 13
1.1.12 Need to develop an independent model for densification in Mumbai 14
1.2 Project Overview 15
1.2.1 Intent 15
1.2.2 Aim 15
1.2.3 Objectives 15
1.2.4 Scope 15
1.2.5 Limitation 15
1.2.6 Methodology 16
1.2.7 Timeline 17
2 Case study and literature synthesis 19
2.1 Literature study 1: Land market, Land mechanisms, constrains, devlopment rights, Government Intervension, Housing Affordability and their impact on Indian Cities. 21
2.1.1 Introduction 21
2.1.2 System 21
2.1.3 Constrains 23
2.1.4 Flaws in land development practices of Indian cities 24
2.1.5 Review of Land Development model of high density cities 24 Town planning scheme Gujarat 24 South Korea Land Development Model 24 Thailand Land Development Model 25 China Land Development Model . 25
2.1.6 Conclusion . 26
Literature study 2: Against the odd: Slum Rehabilitation in neoliberal Mumbai by Jan Nijman and Plans for Dharavi: negotiating a reconciliation between state Driven market development and residents aspiration by Sheela Patel and Jockin Arputham. 27
2.1.7 Case Studies 29 Ganesh Nagar Slums 29 Dharavi Slums 30
2.1.8 Conclusion . 30
2.2 Urban Design compendium 31
Case study-1: High density liveable cities 32
2.2.1 High density liveable cities: Singapore 32
2.2.2 High density liveable cities: Hong Kong 33
2.2.3 High density liveable cities: Tokyo 34
2.2.4 High density liveable cities: New York . 35
2.2.5 Conclusion . 35
2.3 Case study 2: Seoul Canal front devlopment, The Bronx River, Pune River Devlopment Project 36
3 Site Study 38
3.2 Role of Ghatkopar in Mumbai context 41
3.4 Site Context 42
3.5 Site Analysis 44
3.5.1 Road Connectivity 44
3.5.1 Road Connectivity 45
3.5.2 Street Network . 46
3.5.3 Access and movement 47
3.5.4 Figure Ground . 48
3.5.5 Landuse 49
3.5.6 Building Use 50
3.5.7 Building Typology 51
3.5.8 Building Height and FSI/ FAR 52
3.5.9 Building Age 53
3.5.10 Green open spaces 54
3.5.11 Activity spots 55
3.5.12 Physical feature: Canal 56
3.5.13 Physical feature: Eastern Express Highway 57
3.5.14 Physical feature: Mangrove Reserves 58
4 Design 60
4.1 Vision 61
4.2 Design objectives 62
4.3 Design stratergies 63 Broad masterplanning level design strategies 63 Neighbourhood level design strategies 63 Urban block level design strategies 63 Broad masterplanning level design strategies 64
• Street network strategies 64 Neighbourhood level design strategies 73 Urban block level design strategies 78
References 81
5 Works Cited 81

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