Slum improvement strategies - a case study of Udaipur (Also available on CD)

Sancheti, Arpit

Slum improvement strategies - a case study of Udaipur (Also available on CD) - 2008 - i,iii,154p.,CD-ROM

CONTENTS: LIST OF TABLES: ..- .. 4 LIST OF FIGURES: ..- . 5 LIST OF MAPS: ..- 6 ABBREVIATIONS ..- 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..- . 8 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 13 1.1 Background: ..- 13 1.2 What is Slum improvement? ..- .. 15 1.3 Why is the demand for slum improvement? 15 1.4 Magnitude of Slums in Rajasthan: ..- 16 1.5 Slum Profile of Udaipur: ..- 17 1.6 Need of Study ..- . 18 1.7 Aim & Objectives: ..- 18 1.8 Scope and Limitations: ..- .. 19 1.9 Methodology: ..- . 19 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 23 2.1 Defining slums: ..- 23 2.2 Formation of Slums: ..- . 25 2.3 Characteristics of slum: ..- . 26 2.4 Different approaches for slum improvement/Upgradation .. 28 2.4.1 Various approaches for slum upgradation/ improvement .. 28 2.4.2 Five Year Plans and Urban poverty 28 2.4.3 Programs for the poor through five year plans 35 2.4.4 Impact of the programs ..- .. 38 2.5 International Case Studies: ..- 39 2.5.1 Orangi Pilot Project, Karachi (Pakistan) 39 2.6 Indian Case Studies: ..- . 42 2.6.1 Slum Networking Indore (M.P.) . 42 2.6.2 Ahmedabad Slum Networking Project Experience 44 2.6.3 Slum Redevelopment Scheme -Mumbai Experience 47 CHAPTER 3. EFFECTIVENESS OF SLUM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMMES IN UDAIPUR 49 3.1 Introduction ..- 49 3.2 74th Constitution Amendment Act (1994) 49 3.3 Government interventions in Udaipur: An Overview .. 50 3.4 Schemes and Programmes to improve slums 51 3.4.1 Environmental Improvement of Urban Slums (EIUS) 51 3.4.2 National Slum Development Programme (NSDP) 51 3.4.3 Swarna Jayanti Sahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) .. 54 3.4.4 Valmiki Ambedkar Malin Basti Awas Yojna (VAMBAY) .. 55 3.4.5 Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) .. 56 3.5 Slum Improvement Policies: ..- .. 59 3.5.1 Draft National Slum Policy, 2001 .. 59 3.5.2 Rajasthan Urban Housing & Habitat Policy - 2006 60 3.6 Conclusion ..- . 62 CHAPTER 4: CITY AND SLUM PROFILE OF UDAIPUR 64 4.1 City Profile: ..- . 64 4.1.1 Introduction ..- 64 4.1.2 Regional Setting and Linkages ..- .. 64 4.1.3 Physical Setting ..- . 65 4.1.4 Climate ..- 65 4.1.5 Demographic Profile ..- .. 66 4.1.6 Migration- . 67 4.1.7 Density ..- 67 4.1.8 Sex ratio ..- .. 68 4.1.9 Literacy ..- 68 4.1.10 Occupational Patterns ..- .. 69 4.1.11 Economic Base ..- 69 4.2 Slum Profile: ..- 70 4.2.1 Background ..- 70 4.2.2 Slums Distribution in Udaipur ..- 70 4.2.3 Spatial growth pattern of Slums: .. 73 4.2.4 Slum Clusters in Udaipur ..- .. 74 4.2.5 Legal Status of Slums: ..- . 76 4.2.6 Land Status of Slums: ..- .. 77 4.2.7 Demographic Details: ..- .. 78 4.2.8 Physical Infrastructure: ..- 80 4.2.9 Social Infrastructure ..- 85 CHAPTER 5: EXISTING CONDITION OF SLUMS IN UDAIPUR . 87 5.1 Introduction ..- 87 5.2 Sampling and Selection of Settlement . 87 5.3 Slums Overview ..- 90 5.3.1 Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar: ..- .. 90 5.3.2 Avari mata: ..- 91 5.3.3 Lohiya nagar: ..- 92 5.3.4 Machla magra: ..- .. 93 5.4 Availability of basic facilities at settlement level in Slums: .. 94 5.4.1 Physical infrastructure ..- 94 5.4.2 Social infrastructure ..- 95 5.4.3 Other Facilities ..- .. 95 5.5 Demography ..- 96 5.6 Occupation ..- 100 5.7 Income & Expenditure ..- 101 5.7.1 Average Monthly Income..- 101 5.7.2 Percentage of Monthly Expenditurewith different income levels . 102 5.7.3 Expenditure on different requirements in percentage to total expenditure . 104 5.8 Physical Infrastructure ..- 105 5.8.1 Water Supply..- 105 5.8.2 Sanitation and Toilets ..- 107 5.8.3 Sewerage and Drainage ..- . 107 5.8.4 Solid Waste Management ..- .. 109 5.8.5 Roads ..- . 110 5.8.6 Electricity and Street Lights ..- 111 5.8.7 Housing Typology and Tenure 112 5.9 Social Infrastructure ..- 114 5.9.1 Recreational facilities ..- 114 5.9.2 Community hall ..- 114 5.9.3 Education ..- 114 5.9.4 Health ..- 114 5.10 Major Findings ..- 115 5.11 Findings of Slum Dwellers Needs 116 5.12 Financial Management to meet up the Needs .. 117 5.13 SWOT Analysis of the selected slums: .. 119 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND STRATEGIES 122 6.1 Conclusions ..- .. 122 6.2 Strategies to meet up the needs of the slum dwellers .. 124 6.3 General Guidelines: ..- 125 6.3.1 Administrative structure ..- 125 6.3.2 Involvement of stake holders at various levels .. 125 6.3.3 Provision of Land Tenure ..- 125 6.3.4 Financing ..- 125 6.3.5 Coordination between various line agencies 126 6.3.6 Maintenance ..- .. 126 6.3.7 Impact assessment ..- 126 6.3.8 Physical Improvement ..- .. 127 6.3.9 Economical Development ..- .. 130 6.3.10 Social development ..- . 131 6.4 Specific Guidelines ..- . 132 6.4.1 Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar ..- . 132 6.4.2 Avari Mata: ..- 136 6.4.3 Lohiya Nagar: ..- .. 139 6.4.4 Machla Magra ..- . 143 6.4.5 Project Phasing: ..- .. 147 6.5 Summing Up ..- .. 148 Bibliography: ..- .. 149 Annexure: ..- .. 152

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