Climate change for the young and curious : understanding the biggest threat to life on earth in the 21st century
Climate change for the young and curious : understanding the biggest threat to life on earth in the 21st century
- New Delhi Centre for Science and Environment 2018
- 48p.
The World is Changing 4
What is Climate Change? 7
Is Climate change natural? 10
Why are we worried? 16
Who is responsible? 20
Who are the Victims? 25
What's the plan of action? 32
Can we meet the 2°C target? 36
How do we share the burden? 39
How will the US absence affect? 43
How is India fighting? 46
The World is Changing 4
What is Climate Change? 7
Is Climate change natural? 10
Why are we worried? 16
Who is responsible? 20
Who are the Victims? 25
What's the plan of action? 32
Can we meet the 2°C target? 36
How do we share the burden? 39
How will the US absence affect? 43
How is India fighting? 46