Investigation into the relationship of perceived occupational stress with job satisfaction and mental health of first level supervisors
Investigation into the relationship of perceived occupational stress with job satisfaction and mental health of first level supervisors - Varanasi Department of psychology 1983 - iv, 172, xiip.
CONTENTS PREFACE i-ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii-iv CHAPTERIIntroduction 1-50 CHAPTER II :Statement of the Problem and Hypotheses 51-60 CHAPTER III : Methodology 61-72 CHAPTER IV : Results73-109 CHAPTER V : Discussion 110-149 CHAPTER VI :Summary and Conclusions 150-156 REFERENCES 157-172 APPENDICES Appendix-A Occupational Stress Index v-viii Appendix - BS-D Employee's Inventory ix-xii Appendix-C Mental Health Inventory xiii-xvi
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Investigation into the relationship of perceived occupational stress with job satisfaction and mental health of first level supervisors - Varanasi Department of psychology 1983 - iv, 172, xiip.
CONTENTS PREFACE i-ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii-iv CHAPTERIIntroduction 1-50 CHAPTER II :Statement of the Problem and Hypotheses 51-60 CHAPTER III : Methodology 61-72 CHAPTER IV : Results73-109 CHAPTER V : Discussion 110-149 CHAPTER VI :Summary and Conclusions 150-156 REFERENCES 157-172 APPENDICES Appendix-A Occupational Stress Index v-viii Appendix - BS-D Employee's Inventory ix-xii Appendix-C Mental Health Inventory xiii-xvi
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