Insity slum housing redevelopment under JNNURM 2. Industrial unit for Mr. Mithsagar. Training organization : Maharashtra Social Housing and Action League (MASHAL), Pune
Sardeshpande, Anushri
Insity slum housing redevelopment under JNNURM 2. Industrial unit for Mr. Mithsagar. Training organization : Maharashtra Social Housing and Action League (MASHAL), Pune - Ahmedabad CEPT Uni., School of Planning 2010 - iii,21p.
P S0317 / SAR
Insity slum housing redevelopment under JNNURM 2. Industrial unit for Mr. Mithsagar. Training organization : Maharashtra Social Housing and Action League (MASHAL), Pune - Ahmedabad CEPT Uni., School of Planning 2010 - iii,21p.
P S0317 / SAR