Adaptive reuse : intergrating traditional areas into the modern urban fabric - proceedings of the third seminar.. for Islamic architecture at Harvard and M.I.T. August16-20,1982.
Sevcenko, Margaret Bentley Ed.
Adaptive reuse : intergrating traditional areas into the modern urban fabric - proceedings of the third seminar.. for Islamic architecture at Harvard and M.I.T. August16-20,1982. - Cambridge,Massachusetts etc Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture 1983 - vi,150p.
711.4 / SEV
Adaptive reuse : intergrating traditional areas into the modern urban fabric - proceedings of the third seminar.. for Islamic architecture at Harvard and M.I.T. August16-20,1982. - Cambridge,Massachusetts etc Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture 1983 - vi,150p.
711.4 / SEV