India, GCC and the global energy regime : exploring interdependence and outlook for collaboration
Pradhan, Samir R.
India, GCC and the global energy regime : exploring interdependence and outlook for collaboration - Delhi Academic Foundation 2008 - 426p.
Contents: List of tables, figures and boxes 7 Acknowledgements 13 Notes, definitions and abbreviations 15 Preface 23 Introduction 31 1. The global oil and gas regime : analytical overview of structural transition 37 2. Changing pattern of the global energy trade : India, a destination for the GCC countires oil and gas exports 87 3. India and GCC countries : an emerging pattern of energy interdependence 149 4. Interdependence and mutual vulnerability : issues in energy security 251 5. The interdependence framework : a catalyst to augment economic relations 307 6. Competition-Interdependence dilemma in Asia : implications for India's gulf strategy 345 7. Conclusion : towards an Asian energy chater 363 Annexures 375 References413 Index 423
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India, GCC and the global energy regime : exploring interdependence and outlook for collaboration - Delhi Academic Foundation 2008 - 426p.
Contents: List of tables, figures and boxes 7 Acknowledgements 13 Notes, definitions and abbreviations 15 Preface 23 Introduction 31 1. The global oil and gas regime : analytical overview of structural transition 37 2. Changing pattern of the global energy trade : India, a destination for the GCC countires oil and gas exports 87 3. India and GCC countries : an emerging pattern of energy interdependence 149 4. Interdependence and mutual vulnerability : issues in energy security 251 5. The interdependence framework : a catalyst to augment economic relations 307 6. Competition-Interdependence dilemma in Asia : implications for India's gulf strategy 345 7. Conclusion : towards an Asian energy chater 363 Annexures 375 References413 Index 423
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