G.I.S. software for data management for T.P.S. No. - 12 (Kothariya) and revised development plan for the extended limit of RUDA (Rajkot Urban Development Authority).
Joshi, Bhavesh Umashankar
G.I.S. software for data management for T.P.S. No. - 12 (Kothariya) and revised development plan for the extended limit of RUDA (Rajkot Urban Development Authority). - Ahmedabad CEPT Uni., School of Planning 2003 - 31p.
S-0040 / JOS
G.I.S. software for data management for T.P.S. No. - 12 (Kothariya) and revised development plan for the extended limit of RUDA (Rajkot Urban Development Authority). - Ahmedabad CEPT Uni., School of Planning 2003 - 31p.
S-0040 / JOS