Financial and economic crisis : a decent work response
International Labour Organisation
Financial and economic crisis : a decent work response - New Delhi Bookwell 2010 - xix,78.
CONTENTS Executive summary V Introduction 1 I.Crisis spreads worldwide and entails fish of prolonged social crisis 3 II. International and country responses to the crisis 21 III. Decent Work as a cornerstone of the recovery: A glottal jolts pact 37 IV. Improving global policy coherence for more balanced growth and development 59 V.Assessing the effects of the global jobs pact on the recovery 69
331.1 / ILO
Financial and economic crisis : a decent work response - New Delhi Bookwell 2010 - xix,78.
CONTENTS Executive summary V Introduction 1 I.Crisis spreads worldwide and entails fish of prolonged social crisis 3 II. International and country responses to the crisis 21 III. Decent Work as a cornerstone of the recovery: A glottal jolts pact 37 IV. Improving global policy coherence for more balanced growth and development 59 V.Assessing the effects of the global jobs pact on the recovery 69
331.1 / ILO